Friday, October 29, 2010

Creating Beautiful Breasts

In treating breast, you need to be more careful than with other body treatments. That is because the skin covering the breast is more tender and thinner skin than other female body parts. And keep in mind also the nipple, where the piece is her skin softer and more sensitive again. And to make the breasts to be beautiful, you need to take care of him constantly.

If the breasts are not too dirty because many of your activities that release sweat, avoid using soap in that area, because some types of soap can dry the skin around the breast. And you can use a light moisturizer or sweet almond oil every other day if visible nipples are cracked. Also add a few drops of essential oils like lavender, and neroli scent to soften your breasts at the same time.

In addition, you also can avoid breast rubbed with a rough towel, because if there are blisters, can make nipple pain and tenderness.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sentences Hot Women during sexual intercourse

WHEN bed action has been felt boring, surely you would think to make it different. The question that may come to mind is how you touch each other, the position you try, and you focus on body parts. But it turns out, there are other things that are key for sex feels vibrant. What is it?

The words that come out of the mouth when having sex may often be overlooked. In fact, a series of words that came out can make intercourse was getting hot.

"To talk or hear erotic words that stimulate dopamine transmission plays a major role in sexual arousal. They can improve the emotional and physical intensity of the experience," says Ian Kerner, PhD, author Passionista.

There was a great idea. But, what do you say to not look ridiculous in front of husband?

"Most women are not sure what sounded sexy, so they do not say anything," says Logan Levkoff, Ph.D., Sexologist in New York City. As a result, you lose the fun.

n fact, these things can bring pleasure to the him or herself

For her pleasure

"I'm coming." So simple, so powerful. This sentence was so beloved man.

"Being a great lover is a major source of pride for men. Tell him about your orgasm is the highest award for men," says Levkoff.

These words can be evidence that he managed to satisfy you. Moreover, he gets so excited and you are out of control. Announcing the arrival of your orgasm is also a significant moment that enhance pleasure for both of you.

"Plus, because most men are ready to climax before the woman. This gave him permission to come," said Kerner.

For your enjoyment

Kerner recommends that you threw words like, "I like it when you (verb) to do this to me (the body)," such as "I like it when you rub your thighs / neck kissed / licked her breasts."

"Verbalizing the sensation of bringing your attention to it, which reinforces the enjoyment that you experience," explains Kerner.

Sentences such as the phrase you're enjoying delicious food. Talking about how delicious it can be created, even more delicious.

"These words can also help you to keep enjoying the pleasures of lovemaking delights at the time," said Kerner.

If your mind starts to wander or you're stressed about other things while making love, then describes what happens inside you makes you stay focused on what you feel.

"This shows him that the couple doing something right," says Levkoff.

And, once he knows you like it, then he probably would do it again and again

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dokter Bedah Plastik Payudara

 TIDAK perlu diragukan lagi, payudara indah adalah idaman setiap wanita. Oleh karena itu, terdapat banyak wanita yang tidak segan “go under the knife” alias melakukan bedah plastik untuk memperbesar payudaranya, karena diyakini dapat menambah kepercayaan diri.

Jika keputusan sudah bulat, maka hal berikut yang harus dilakukan adalah memilih dokter bedah plastik yang tepat dan berpengalaman. Karena kebanyakan pasien tidak terlalu peduli dalam memilih jenis dan ukuran pembesaran payudara yang sesuai dengan bentuk tubuh mereka, di sinilah peran dokter menjadi penting dalam menuntun mereka membuat keputusan.

Dokter bedah plastik ternama asal Brasil, Dr Marco Faria-Correa menjelaskan, “Seorang dokter yang profesional dan berpengalaman adalah dokter yang dapat memberikan keterangan atas ukuran implan yang tepat dan seimbang dengan tubuh pasien, tingkat ketebalan bagian atas, belahan dada, bentuk implan yang tepat (bulat atau anatomis), posisi puting dan posisi penempatan implan (di bawah otot atau di atas otot).”

Selain itu, sambungnya, dokter bedah sebaiknya mencari tahu jumlah jaringan tisu payudara pasiennya. Ini penting karena dapat mempengaruhi hasil akhirnya nanti. Misalnya, wanita kurus dengan sedikit atau tidak memiliki jaringan payudara cenderung akan lebih berkerut dan hasil implan tidak terlihat alami oleh karena itu mereka perlu menjalani prosedur berbeda dibandingkan dengan wanita kekendoran di seputar kulit. Perencanaan operasi dan teknik dengan hati-hati akan minimalkan kesalahan seperti tergores, kehilangan sensasi (biasanya jika menembus putting) dan pembentukan Seroma (kumpulan darah cair koleksi berair bagian darah). Mereka juga sebaiknya mengakui pentingnya mengikuti evaluasi dengan dokter mereka, sesuai dengan konseling yang sangat penting dalam mencegah komplikasi yang tak perlu.

“Meskipun terdapat risiko,” Dr Marco menambahkan, “Bedah plastik payudara merupakan cara aman yang diminati wanita untuk memperbaiki rasa akan kecintaan terhadap tubuh sendiri–asalkan, tentu saja mereka mempercayai seorang ahli bedah berpengalaman dengan tubuh mereka. Pembedahan aman karena dokter tahu bagaimana caranya menangani situasi. ”

Dr Marco menyarankan, sebaiknya pasien menyelidiki kredibilitasi dan reputasi si dokter. Berkunjung ke klinik dokter yang dipilih beberapa kali dan mencari tahu dari pasien lain di ruang tunggu adalah cara terbaik untuk memastikan pengalaman dokter tersebut.

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